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Despre eșec și zâmbetul lui Dumnezeu

"My name is Gelu. I am human. Roma. My parents' child."

Gelu Duminica is a graduate of the doctoral school of the University of Bucharest, majoring in sociology, and currently heads Agentia Impreuna, an organization through which he campaigns for the preservation and affirmation of the Roma personality.

With over 20 years of experience in the field of social inclusion, Gelu believes in diversity and self-esteem and says that "the difference between failing and succeeding is the power of gritting your teeth."

He believes that the vast majority of people around him are smarter than he is, only that they have not had God's smile on their faces - people who see the potential in them, let alone the limitations they have.

"About failure and God's smile" with Gelu Duminică (7 December 2019, Elisabeta Theatre, Bucharest, as part of the public event People of Justice | 10 years of Leaders for Justice).

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