The 12th generation of Leaders for Justice participants had their first online meetings on Zoom. In January, February and the first half of March we met five times to get to know each other better and touch on some initial topics: how we shape a vision, how we see the justice system.
Together we agreed on a protocol that would allow us to meet in training rooms: 2 quick tests in the days before the training session, wearing the mask in the room and the recommendation to get vaccinated during the spring.
From the end of March to mid-July, we were able to compress the schedule of the six training sessions, originally scheduled to start in January. We have gone through all the concepts and topics through which we develop the leadership potential of the younger generation of Leaders for Justice lawyers - Vision, mission, values and creativity, teamwork and leading a team with the right leadership style, communication skills (storytelling, persuasion, public speaking and emotional intelligence), decision making and change management, project management tools and feedback.
As a first result, the 12th generation members form two teams through which they have already started implementing two impactful projects in education and justice. Details in the coming months.
#LeadersforJustice #LfJ12 #RoChange