Out of 234 courts in Romania, only 37 have a juvenile hearing room. These have been created through donations and voluntary work by judges, court clerks, court support staff or with the support of non-governmental organisations.
We want to create a friendly environment to regain trust in justice and build a human connection with minors.
Minors heard in family law disputes or minors who are victims (e.g. of human trafficking), suspects, defendants, witnesses or involved in criminal cases.
Our motivation
We aim to reduce the negative impact on the emotional and mental health of minors during court proceedings.
What are we doing in practice?
- Together with a team of psychologists and designers, we will build a prototype that will be made available to all courts in Romania.
- In the first half of 2022 we will set up the first juvenile hearing room in the Bistrita Court.
- We are looking for support to build an online platform that brings together the need in the justice system with the resources that companies and concerned citizens can donate.
According to our calculations, equipping a single juvenile hearing room costs a minimum of 6 000 lei (furniture, decoration, audio-video equipment, etc.).
How can you donate?
The project is implemented through the LiderJust.ro Association. Any donation is welcome and can be made to the account RO96RNCB0075122958810001 (IBAN), opened at BCR. in the name of LiderJust Association, tax identification code (CIF). Any support from individuals or their companies is welcome!
The "Minors Hearing Room" is a pilot project of the LfJ12 generation, supported by the Leaders for Justice Community (www.lideripentrujustitie.ro) and implemented through the LiderJust Association (www.liderjust.ro).