30 members of the Leaders for Justice community participated in the first joint academic forum with LEAD Moldova graduates on 12-14 October.
JustLead! Forum is organised by Liderjust.ro and the Leadership Centre for Justice, with the support of the KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe and brought together 55 young legal professionals (judges, lawyers, notaries, legal advisors, police officers, prosecutors, paralegals, etc.) from Romania and the Republic of Moldova for open discussions and workshops on topics related to trust in justice, court management, professional training, the impact of legal professions on cases, rights and freedoms or professional ethics.
We aimed to identify shortcomings in the two justice systems and propose concrete and effective solutions to overcome them, to be promoted by members of the two communities of legal professionals.
Below are some of the workshops and panels that made up JustLead! Forum 2018:
Trust in justice: causes, obstacles and effects
Session moderated by Codru Vrabie, good governance expert, trainer and mentor of Leaders for Justice Romania and LEAD Moldova, with Ingo Gross, Judge, President of the Braunschweig Tribunal, Vladislav Gribincea, President of the Legal Resources Centre of Moldova and Daniel Mirăuță, Judge, Court of Appeal Iasi, graduate of Leaders for Justice
Court and case management
Speakers: Ciprian Burlacu, clerk of the Court of Appeal Bucharest, trainer at the National School of Clerks, participant in Leaders for Justice, Arina Corsei-Vultureanu, prosecutor, trainer at the National Institute of Magistracy (INM), graduate of Leaders for Justice, Constantin Chilian, judicial assistant, Supreme Court of Justice of the Republic of Moldova, graduate of LEAD, Cristina Oglinda, lawyer Chisinau, graduate of LEAD
Lack of specialisation and professional training of judges
Discussion moderated by Doru Toma, Programme Coordinator, Rule of Law Programme South East Europe, Konrad Adenauer Foundation; Coordinator, Leaders for Justice & LEAD | Speakers: Elena Podoleanu, lawyer Chisinau, LEAD graduate and Tudor Ciobanu, judge Iasi, Leaders for Justice graduate
Discretionary power
Discussion moderated by Victor Fercea, lawyer Timișoara, graduate of Leaders for Justice and Vlad Roibu, lawyer Ungheni, graduate of LEAD | Speakers: Andreia Indrecan-Iacob, lawyer Iasi, graduate of Leaders for Justice & Maria Pîslaruc, legal advisor Chisinau, graduate of LEAD
Rights and Freedoms
Discussion moderated by Alexandru Stănescu, consultant, Leaders for Justice graduate | Speakers: Lucian Stuparu, lawyer Craiova, Leaders for Justice graduate, Larisa Mujdei, trainee judge Botoșani Court, Leaders for Justice graduate, Spiridon Mocanu, jurisconsult Chisinau, LEAD graduate, Iulia Sîrbu, lawyer Chisinau, LEAD graduate
Ethics in legal professions
Discussion moderated by Una Clara Sigheti, copywriter and lawyer, Leaders for Justice participant | Speakers: Luca Ciubotaru, Counsellor, Legislative Department, Presidential Administration, Leaders for Justice graduate, Isabela Popescu, lawyer Iasi, Leaders for Justice participant, Cristina Movilă, lawyer Chisinau, LEAD graduate, Aurelia Palamarciuc, counsellor National Council for State Guaranteed Legal Assistance, LEAD graduate
Telejustice, corruption and political influence in justice
Discussion moderated by Doru Toma | Guests: Mariana Rață, investigative journalist, TV moderator, Republic of Moldova, Ovidiu Vanghele, investigative journalist, Media Investigation Centre
The successful model of transparency in the judicial process
Discussion moderated by Codru Vrabie | Reporters: Ioana Mitu, lawyer Bucharest, graduate of Leaders for Justice, Andrei Iosip, lawyer Chisinau, president of CLJ, graduate of LEAD, Vasile Gherasim, trainee lawyer Chisinau, graduate of LEAD, Marina Mocanu, legal advisor Chisinau, graduate of LEAD, Mihnea Jida, partner lawyer, participant in Leaders for Justice, Raisa Morozan, legal advisor Chisinau, graduate LEAD, Corina Sorbală, legal advisor Chisinau, graduate LEAD, Sergiu Petrișor, lawyer Bucharest, graduate Leaders for Justice.