The COVID-19 situation in Romania risks becoming dramatic - the restriction of information, this cordless phone between authorities - hospitals - and donor civil society, may be one of the main problems in the fight to save lives and curb the pandemic. The efforts of civil society (the money and supplies raised) must not be thwarted by the lack of transparency and the backroom games that have arisen from excessive centralisation, now in its 12th hour.
More than 120 non-governmental organisations and civic groups are calling for full transparency (details here: https://bit.ly/3aGnhQN). Without it, all private sector and civil society efforts are greatly hampered.
Hospitals and doctors must have access to all the considerable available resources that civil society makes available. At the moment, the real-time needs of hospitals and the list of manufacturers willing to help cannot be found in a single source at national level, which requires centralisation of data and resources in a single platform.
Our solution
ROSurse.ro brings together (1) suppliers and manufacturers of medical and protective equipment in the #COVID19 crisis; (2) hospitals, care facilities; (3) individual donors and associations raising funds for hospitals and doctors.
The ROSurse.ro project is co-founded by three members of the Leaders for Justice community in Timisoara and supported at national level by a team of dozens of volunteers from our community, as well as young people from various fields of activity who coordinate the centralization within the platform of both suppliers of raw materials or specific materials, as well as manufacturers and final beneficiaries, be they medical professionals or hospitals.
We are part of an unprecedented joint effort to mobilise the resources of citizens, civil society and the private sector.
What do we want?
-Consolidate all civil society efforts in one place, one marketplace of good deeds. ROSurse.ro facilitates the visibility of equipment manufacturers for the hospitals that need them, as well as the transparency of donations for the purpose for which they were made - to help the Romanian medical system NOW.
-The creation of a solution for intermediation between donors and hospitals and making available to NGOs a package of model documents to facilitate donations.
-Creating the necessary basis for ensuring transparency on the needs in hospitals and the allocation of resources to them, as well as for future projects to prioritise the allocation of resources.
Next steps:
REGISTER - If you are a manufacturer of medical and protective equipment, if you are a supplier or can offer any other resources (3D printers, CNC machine, etc.).
REGISTER - If you are part of a medical institution that needs protective equipment. We ask hospital managers and doctors to make this initiative known and to take advantage of it.
REGISTER - If you represent an NGO that raises funds for hospitals and want to see in real time what the urgent needs are for each hospital
REGISTER - If you want to donate to one of the registered NGOs or if you can help as a volunteer.
Access to and use of the platform is free. Commercial or speculative use of the content on the ROSurse.ro platform is strictly prohibited.
Let's do what is necessary, then do what is possible, and then we will realize that we have done the impossible! (Fr. de Assisi)
Together we can save lives! Join us!
ROSurse.ro volunteer team
Contact details: +40 756 514 804, +40 726 184 247, office@rosurse.ro