The Konrad Adenauer Foundation's Rule of Law Programme South East Europe is calling for applications for the 13th edition of the leadership programme for young lawyers in Romania - Leaders for Justice.
The programme is open to young lawyers between 22 and 35 years of age in the first 5 years of their professional career, master's students and law students in their final year of study. Twenty young lawyers with leadership potential will be selected.
Leaders for Justice focuses on developing leadership skills and knowledge, a better understanding of the legal profession (through interaction with participants and graduates of the programme) and the justice system as a whole (through meetings with professionals in the field), as well as identifying solutions to problems in the justice system and in Romanian society as a whole.
Your application must contain:
a CV,
a one-page cover letter, and
an essay of maximum two pages in which you present, at your choice, a change that you want to implement for the benefit of the justice system, your profession or the institution in which you work. Identify a specific problem (an acute need, something that bothers you deeply), come up with concrete solutions (sustainable in the medium and long term) that reflect the change and describe how you bring your contribution, show how the system/institution/profession should look like after the implementation of the change.
Documents should be written in Romanian, font size 11 and 1.3 line spacing.
Send your application to office.rspsoe@kas.de by 17 October 2021, 23:59.
Each candidate will receive a confirmation of application, via email, within 48 hours after the deadline (19 October, 23:59). In the absence of this confirmation, please contact us.
The selection process will consist of 3 stages:
pre-selection of written applications (18 - 29 October 2021) and
interviews with those shortlisted (8 - 12 November 2021) offline or online, depending on restrictions,
clarification discussions with some of the candidates (18-19 November 2021),
conducted online via Zoom.
Communication of the final result: by 10 December 2021.
Both (pre)selected and rejected candidates will be notified by e-mail.
To keep up to date with the latest news, log on to our website www.kas.de/leadership, official Facebook page www.fb.com/LeadersforJustice, platform www.lideripentrujustitie.ro or LeadersforJustice Youtube channel.
We look forward to your application!
What does Leaders for Justice 2022 entail?
Six training sessions and a meeting with alumni from the Leaders for Justice community dedicated to developing leadership skills:
Session 1 - Vision and Creativity. Vision and Creativity. Common Mission, Common Values (January)
Session 2 - How to work in a team and lead a team. The story of Me vs. Us / Team Leading and Team Work. The Tale of I Do vs. We Do (February)
Session 3 - Communication Skills and Emotional Intelligence (March)
Session 4 - Decision Making and Change Management. The Art of Sound Choices (April)
Session 5 - Project Management. Tools that make a difference / Project Management. The "HowTo" that will Make the Difference (May)
Leaders for Justice Community Annual Meeting (June)
Session 6 - What else do I need to know to become a good leader (July)
The format in which the Leaders for Justice 13 programme will take place (2022) will depend on the evolution of the COVID-19 crisis this autumn and the regulations in place, as well as those planned for the first part of 2021. So far, training sessions have been held from Thursday 15:00 to Sunday 13:00, with training modules from 09:00-13:00 and 15:00-19:00. The dates listed above are provisional. The locations and final dates of the training sessions will be sent to selected candidates in December. All costs of the programme (accommodation, meals, coffee breaks, training materials, etc.), with the exception of transport within the country, are covered by the KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe.
Study visit to Germany (to be confirmed; September/October 2022): for one week, participants will get in touch with the German justice system through meetings with decision-makers, visits to relevant institutions and participation in court hearings (civil and criminal). Among the institutions included in the programme so far are the German Bundestag, the Land Court, the Land Constitutional Court, the Attorney General's Office, the Romanian Embassy in Berlin or the German Magistrates' Association. An interpreter will be present throughout the study visit and all costs related to the visit will be covered by the organisers.
Implementation of group projects: during the training sessions, participants will develop project ideas addressing key issues in the justice system or in Romanian society as a whole. The structure of the programme, through the sequence of the themes of the 6 training sessions, guides the participants in using the skills learned and facilitates the use of the tools acquired to achieve the practical purpose of the group projects.
Meetings with decision-makers and professionals with outstanding work in the field of justice: each training session includes a 3-4 hour module in which participants openly discuss a topical justice issue with one or more guests. Participants will also have access to all monthly alumni community meetings.
Konrad Adenauer Foundation, Rule of Law Programme South East Europe
5 Franzelarilor Street, 020785 Bucharest www.kas.de/rlpsee
Leaders for Justice Community: selected candidates will be able to get involved in community activities
of 230 young graduates from all legal professions (judges, lawyers, prosecutors, legal advisors, police officers, mediators, university assistants, lawyers in NGOs or private companies, prison education officers, notaries public, masters or PhD students, etc.).
Within the alumni community, members implement and actively participate in group projects addressing key issues in the justice system or in Romanian society in general, organize socializing meetings or open discussions with professionals, participate together in various cultural or sports events.
LiderJust Association: participants have the possibility to register and actively contribute to the activities
LiderJust Association, a non-governmental organisation set up by the graduates of the programme with the aim of facilitating and promoting the implementation of projects initiated by members of the "Leaders for Justice" community. More details on the association's website at www.liderjust.ro.