"Justice Unseen. 5 themes about justice", a documentary series about justice and justice by Dela0.ro journalists Diana Oncioiu and Vlad Stoicescu with the support of our community.
The episodes discuss topics that are still under-explored: from access to justice and the impact of the Covid-19 context on the justice system, to the recovery of damages, the reintegration of detainees or cases of sexual abuse.
Among the protagonists are Diana Chitea (lawyer), Denisa Tudosie (judge), Mălina Tebieș (judge), Cristina Muntean (lawyer), Adrian Neculiță (police officer), Gabriel Tiponuț (prison education officer), Daniel Mirăuță (judge), Vlad Vidican (lawyer), Tudor Ciobanu (judge), Iulia Georgescu (notary public) and Lucian Stuparu (lawyer), Andrei-Radu Dincă (judge), all members of the Leaders for Justice community.
The 5 episodes can be seen online on the LeadersforJustice page and on the Dela0.ro YouTube channel. Teaser
Documentary film made with financial support from the KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe and the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation.
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