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Integrity whistleblower in healthcare

Infographics and useful resources

In the current context, we have become aware of the essential role of public health system employees, who can become whistleblowers by reporting irregularities in hospitals early and by being civic-minded and responsible.

Learn about safeguards, the legal framework and how you can become an ally of the public interest that makes a difference in times of crisis in the resources below:

Law 517/2004:

APADOR-CH informative article:

Coalition for whistleblower safety in the context of COVID-19:

Medipress Platform:

Ordinary People (trailer): (a show by Gianina Cărbunaru)

Man sanctifies place" show: (about whistleblower protection / #whistleblowers)

#LeaderForJustice #LfJCOVID19TaskForce #Whistleblower #Integrity #CommunityPower #RoRo Change

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